General Election

I am honoured to have been selected as Labour’s candidate for Southampton Test in the July 4 General Election.

Southampton has always been my home. It’s where I was born, grew up and have always lived. I’m proud of our city and it’s made me who I am.

Southampton has so much history and so much potential, but right now it’s being let down. 

It’s been heart-breaking to see people I know struggling under the Conservatives. 14 years of failure from the Tories has led to the worst living standards since the War. 

We have high levels of crime on our streets, with fewer police officers keeping us safe.

We have sewage in the Itchen, and energy bills are through the roof.

Our NHS is on its knees, with people unable to get a GP appointment or dentist appointment.

We have the cost of living crisis, with more of our children going hungry.

And we don’t have enough secure and affordable homes, with people unable to plan for their future.

I’ve lived in Southampton since I was born, and it’s changed. I’ve seen the opportunities me and my family had when I was growing up being robbed from the next generation. 

I’m standing as our next MP because it can’t go on like this.

If we want meaningful change, we need a change of Government and – we need that new Government to be Labour. 

A Labour Government that has a plan to take back our streets from crime, so people can feel safe in their homes again.

A plan to get the NHS back on its feet, so people can see a doctor or dentist in time again.

A plan to put water companies into special measures, so we can protect rivers like the Itchen.

A plan to switch on a new publicly owned energy company, Great British Energy, to bring bills down and tackle the cost of living.

And a plan to get Britain building again, so we can finally fix the housing crisis and grow the economy.       

I’m confident that under a Labour Government, we can make Southampton a place people want to live, work, and raise a family once more.

I always have and always will fight for Southampton, and right now I’m fighting for change.

A better future for you, your family and our city is possible – but only if we vote for it.

Make a plan

Make a plan to vote on Thursday. Find your Polling Station. Put your photo ID in your wallet and remember to bring it with you to vote.

Do you want to vote tactically to keep the Tories out? All the tactical voting websites point to the same answer: Vote Labour.

The smaller parties can’t win here and they can promise you the world because they know there is no chance their policies will be tested in government. Don’t waste your vote and risk a Tory win.

Vote Labour

Southampton is my home. I know people in our city are hugely ambitious for themselves, their families and Britain’s future. If I’m your MP, I will be with you all the way.

A better future is possible – but only if we vote for it.

Vote for change. Vote Labour!